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Writer's pictureCal Clements

Om Bolo Sat Guru, Om Tat Sat

Thanks for reading my blog. I'll try to explain aspects of the class here.

At the end of class, we chant Om three times and then I shout, "Om Bolo Sat Guru, Om Tat Sat." In response, you shout, "Jai!"

What is the meaning of it all!?!

Well, it is nice to have a closing ritual. The class opens with Om so it is nice to end with the same. Sometimes you'll notice a difference in the quality of your voice from the first set to the last.

The word "Om" itself carries all meaning and no meaning. It is a sound, a vibration, an offering. It doesn't have a direct translation. I like to think of it as a non-representational word, like a groan or a roar.

"Om Bolo Sat Guru" translates to "I honor this teaching and all other teachings." It is a way of saying that it is great to be learning and there is still much more to learn. Or you could translate it as, "This is a true teaching and there are other true teachings which I do not understand yet."

"Om Tat Sat" means "I honor all that which is seen by me and all that cannot be seen by me yet." In other words, we have our own reality which is important to respect. But also we have blind spots about other realities, other people's feelings and points of view, and the unintended effects of our actions. All of this is unknown to us and yet it is real.

Then the class shouts, "Jai!" This means "Yes!" or, in more words, it means, "I overcome the illusion of separation!" "I will break through barriers!" "I will experience the world beyond my personal preferences!"

These chants are important in yoga class because they signify that the yoga means more than fitness. We really are trying to do much more than improve flexibility and strength. In my classes, the ultimate goal is to open a pathway to self-love and from there to unconditional love for others.

Thanks for reading. Hit the little "love" button below so I'll know people are taking a look at these posts. That'll keep me motivated to write them. Thanks!

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